Yoga Jam 2019
Aug 29, 2019

Wow, I really can’t believe another year is in the books – it just goes by so fast! What a fantastic event this year with so much love and so many open hearts floating me through the festival on my sweet ride (i.e. my red and white Schwinn). I must say I’m pretty blissed out after such an amazing event. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to the magnificent artists and the tireless and extremely hard working Yoga Jam crew and volunteers for putting on such a wonderful event. And thank you to the Yoga Jam community for making me cry with joy and happiness everywhere I went, your kindness is penetrating.

Sooo, here are my pics from this year – as you can see, we had absolutely amazing weather. I shot as much as I could before driving a shuttle in the afternoons and moonlighting at the backstage bar in the evenings. I feel like I captured some special moments of the festival, and I hope y’all enjoy them here as much as I enjoyed taking them.